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Audi 80 GT + Audi 80L for sale in Norway.

Haakon Sandberg ⌂ @, Sonntag, 14.09.2014, 23:44 (vor 3799 Tagen)

I want to sell my 75 Audi 80 GT. It been taken down for a total restoration but time isn't there for me now.

It's a complete GT with XX-engine, modified headers and with almost no rust.
A lot of parts is following the car. The Audi 80L is drivable, starts right away and was ment as a partcar for the GT.

For more information and pitcures contact me by email.

I ask 5000,- euro for both cars.

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  • Audi 80 GT + Audi 80L for sale in Norway. - Haakon Sandberg, 14.09.2014, 23:44 [*]